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The History Of The Earth & How Old Is Our Planet!

October 11, 2022    7 min read

The blue and green planet in space.
The planet that we live on carries a long history behind it.
The Earth went through a lot of geological, biological and natural changes.
It has witnessed a change over of years, from the first living organism to dinosaurs to humans. After all this, you might wonder what Earth’s history is and how old our planet is?
Right from the time it was formed out of a solar nebula to our present time, our Earth’s age is approximately 4 billion years (4,567,000,000 years). And each second of this period represents about 53,000 years (53 millennia). Isn’t that mind-blowing?

Origins of Earth
Planet Earth was formed as a part of the birth of our solar system. With The Big Bang, the Earth initially existed as a large, rotating cloud of dust and gas made of hydrogen, helium and heavier elements produced by the stars. As the cloud of dust and gas continued to rotate, gravity and inertia flattened the cloud into a proto-planetary disc, giving the mass an axis of rotation.

As the mass got crushed and concentrated in the middle, the newly formed Earth’s core began to heat up, producing its own internal heat source through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.

Meanwhile, gravity caused the matter to condense around dust particles, the small fragments collided and became larger fragments and then into larger bodies hence creating Planet Earth.

The origins of life on Earth

Did you know that the first instance of life formed millions of years after the Earth’s existence, as the climate was not suitable to create life?

As the Earth cooled down, clouds and the atmosphere formed. The rain created the oceans. It is believed that the first step in the emergence of life may have been due to chemical reactions that produced many of the simpler organic compounds that were building blocks of life, like nucleobases and amino acids.

Photosynthetic organisms like plants appeared between 3.2 and 2.4 billion years ago and began enriching the atmosphere with oxygen.

After the formation of oxygen, the cells further evolved, adding complexity like; self-replication, which gives organisms the ability to produce offspring that are similar to themselves, and Metabolism with the ability to feed and repair itself. The external cell membranes allow the food to enter and waste products to leave.

Over time, which is another million years, the Earth's crust has constantly changed its formation, since its first appearance. The species continue to evolve, taking on new forms, splitting into daughter species, or going extinct in the face of ever-changing physical environments.

Our earth underwent many geological, biological, and natural changes helping us evolve from a single cell to mammals to humans and where we are today.

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