Teachers can guide student learning and enhance engagement.
Tutors can improve explanation of concepts and enhance engagement.
Setup and conduct your own online classes in less than 2 mins
Our advanced AI monitors students effortlessly while you teach an online class
4000+ videos and 100+ Simulations / AR in Mathematics and Science at your fingertips
200,000+ questions spread across 5 levels of difficulty for testing students
Set up and conduct virtual classes for your students from the comfort of your home using any device – a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop
Practically – Teacher web portal and app provides all the content in easily searchable and consumable manner. Teachers & Tutors can add the content to their online sessions or give a to-do for home learning effortlessly.
Teachers & Tutors can use built-in tools to explain concepts to students, providing an experience similar to learning in a physical classroom.
Teachers & Tutors can keep track of student attentiveness using our AI monitor that tracks how engaged students are in the class. In addition, teachers get a live poll feature to poll students for responsiveness and conceptual understanding.
Teachers & Tutors get access to our resources, including 1000s of theory concepts, 4000+ videos and 1000+ simulations / AR. Ideally, you may not need any external material but in case you want to you can add external videos and custom material. You can also make these available only to your student post class in their Practically student app.
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