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Manage Your Time And Energy More Efficiently

Decmber 17, 2021    7 min read

Work-life balance essentially means a leveled approach between work and other life roles. It allows you to live a fulfilling personal life, professional life, and family life. While all of us have the same 24 hrs in a day it is important to ensure we have enough energy to carry on our tasks more efficiently and with ease. The burn-out that we commonly face is essentially the lack of energy and motivation to carry on with mundane tasks. It hits us more when we have an important exam or an important event due the next day.

To help you manage time and energy better we have compiled a few handy tips that will help you feel and give your best.

Prioritise Your Tasks

Your tasklist is the most important part of your day. Spend ten minutes in the day to ensure you are putting down all your tasks, even the seemingly insignificant ones. Try and set aside time to do the hardest things first. In any case the idea is to up your motivation, if you are unable to crack the hardest task on your tasklist, take up something else instead of giving up altogether.

Ask For Help and Support

If stuck, ask for help. Looking for support is not a sign of weakness, it indicates self-awareness and the vision to keep going and growing. Many times asking for support will help you solve things faster. If you are someone who is uncomfortable asking for help then try to break free from your limitations and be confident about collaborating with others.

Use The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique was designed to help you perform better on the basis of the human psyche. When using the technique you can sharpen your focus and single task more efficiently. You focus on a task for 20 to 30 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes. During your break time avoid working or checking your phones.

Rest and Recovery Is Important

Pay attention to your resting or break time. You will never have enough time to do everything in a day but your eight hours of sleep is non negotiable. Although underestimated, your refreshing sleep will ensure you wake up brighter and regain focus.

Understand your tendency

Depending on our inherent personalities we develop tendencies that define our attitude towards work. Some of us are completely motivated and some of us give in to distractions faster than the others. It is important

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